Over 240 measures for innovative use and sharing of data Federal Government Data Strategy published

After a broad consultation process, the Federal Government’s data strategy was passed on January 27, 2021. An English translation is now available.

Symbolic photo Open Data with"Data" from Scrabble-pieces


Photo: CC BY SA flickr.com/photos/notbrucelee/8016192302

With over 240 measures the Data Strategy aims to make Germany a trailblazer in the innovative use and sharing of data in Europe. The Federal Government developed the strategy in a participatory process that included an online survey with over 1200 participants as well as a public hearing.

The Federal Government with the help of the measures of this data strategy seeks to bolster european values as well as common concepts of data protection and sovereignty in the age of global data transfers and networking and turn these into yardsticks.

Read full press release on the launch of the strategy .

The areas of action covered by the strategy

The data strategy identifies four major areas of action containing committments by state actors.

  • Making data infrastructure effective and sustainable
  • Enhancing the innovative and responsible use of data
  • Developing data competency and establishing a data culture
  • Making the state a trailblazer

Click here to download the English translation of the data strategy .